about, above, across, action, address, afraid, after, afternoon, again, age, ago, agree, all, not at all, almost, alone, alphabet, already, also, always
am, I'm, and, angry, animal, another, answer, any, anyone, anything, appear, April, are, arrive at, ask, ask for, at, at home, August, autumn
away, back, bad, bag, baby, be, beautiful, because, because of, bed, before, begin, behind, believe, beside, best, better, between, big, birthday
a bit of, blue, board, body, book, bored, boring, bottle, box, boy, bread, break, breakfast, bring, brother, brown, build, bus, busy, but
buy, by, call, can, capital, car, Take care, careful, Be careful, cat, catch, center, chair, change, cheap, children, chocolate, class, classroom, clean
clear, close, closed, coffee, cold, color, come, come back, computer, cool, copy, cost, count, country, of course, cross the road, cry, cut, dad, dark
date, daughter, day, Dear, December, decide, dictionary, different, difficult, doctor, do, dog, don't, door, down, draw, dress, drink, drive, dry
each, early, ears, easy, eat, eighteen, eighty, eleven, email, the end, in the end, English, enjoy, enough, enter, evening, every, everybody, everyone, everything
example, for example, excuse me, exercise, expensive, extra, eyes, face, in fact, fair, fall, family, far, fast, father, favorite, February, feel, a few, fifteen
fifth, fifty, film, find, find out, fine, a fine day, finish, fire, first, five, flower, fly, food, foot, feet, for, forget, four, fourteen
fourth, forty, free, Friday, friend, from, in front of, full, funny, game, garden, get, girl, give, glad, glass, go, go on, going to, good
good at, goodbye, grade, great, green, grow, guess, hair, half, half past, hand, hang, happen, happy, hard, hat, have, have to, he, head
hear, hello, help, her, herself, here, high, him, himself, his, hold, home, hope, hot, hour, house, how, How are you, hundred, hungry
idea, if, immediately, important, impossible, in, inside, interested in, interesting, into, invite, is, it, its, itself, January, job, June, July, just
keep, kid, kind, kind of, know, large, last, last night, late, learn, at least, leave, left, less, lesson, let's, letter, lie, lie down, life
light, like, listen, little, live, long, look at, lost, a lot of, lots of, love, lunch, make, man, men, many, how many, March, it doesn't matter, What's the matter
May, maybe, me, mean, I mean, What do you mean, meaning, meet, meeting, memory, message, middle, milk, Do you mind, minus, minute, in a minute, mistake, mix, mom
mum, at the moment, Monday, money, month, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mouth, move, movie, Mr., Mrs., Ms., much, How much, music, my
myself, name, What’s your name, My name is, near, need, neighbor, never, new, news, next, next to, nice, night, at night, nine, nineteen, ninety, no, nobody
no-one, not, notebook, nothing, November, now, number, October, of, often, OK, okay, old, How old are you, I'm … years old, on, once, once upon a time, one, only
open, or, other, our, ourselves, out, over, own, parents, page, paper, part, past, pay, pen, pencil, people, perhaps, person, pick up
picture, piece of, place, plan, play, play a game, please, poor, possible, practice, problem, no problem, project, pupil, push, put, question, quick, quiet, Be quiet
radio, read, ready, Are you ready, I'm ready, real, really, red, remember, rest, return, rich, right, right now, all right, alright, road, room, round, rule
run, sad, the same as, Saturday, say, school, second, see, send, sentence, September, seven, seventeen, seventy, she, short, shout, show, shut, sick
side, sign, simple, sing, sister, sit, six, sixteen, sixty, size, What size, sky, sleep, special, spring, summer, slow, small, smart, smile
so, some, somebody, something, sometimes, son, soon, song, sorry, I'm sorry, speak, spell, sport, start, still, story, straight, strong, student, suddenly
sun, Sunday, supper, sure, take, talk, tall, tea, teach, telephone, television, tell, tell a story, test, than, thank you, thanks, that, the, their
them, themselves, then, there, there is, there are, these, they, thing, think, third, thirteen, thirty, this, those, three, Thursday, time, What's the time, The time is
to, today, together, tomorrow, tonight, too, too much, town, tree, go on a trip, truck, true, try, Tuesday, turn, turn left, turn right, twenty, two, under
understand, until, up, us, use, usually, vacation, very, wait for, walk, wall, want, was, were, wash, watch, water, way, Which way, we
wear, Wednesday, week, welcome, you're welcome, well, as well, as well as, Well done, What a pity, What a shame, what, when, where, while, white, who, why, will, window
winter, wish, with, without, woman, women, wonderful, word, work, world, worse, worst, write, wrong, year, yellow, yes, yesterday, you, young, your